iTivity™ User Guide

Appendix B: Creating Custom Installers
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Tridia Support Site
Using the Installer Wizard
Using the Advanced Options Pages
Installing an iTivity Module on Windows Using a Custom Installer
Installing a Unix/Linux iTivity Module via a Custom Installer

Use the instructions in this Appendix to create custom installation modules ("installers") for these iTivity modules:

·         Attended iAgent (Windows)

·         Unattended iAgent (Windows, UNIX/Linux versions)

·         iManager (Windows)

·         iServer (Windows or Linux)

Each installer is an installation EXE file (for Windows) or a .tar archive (for UNIX/Linux). The installers will install the chosen iTivity module with the options you select during the build. For Windows installers, end users can install the module with a single click.

This Appendix explains:

·         How to access the Tridia support site for building custom installers

·         How to create installers using the Installer Wizard

·         How to create installers using the Advanced Option pages

·         How users can install an iTivity module using a custom installer on Windows or UNIX/Linux.

Tridia Support Site

You create custom installers at the Tridia support site. Point your browser to:

Contact Tridia technical support for a user name and password. Or you can use the Create Profile form on the site.

Using the Installer Wizard

The Installer Wizard guides you through the process of creating custom installers for any of your iTivity modules.

Note: You can also use advanced options for manually creating installers with further customization. See Using the Advanced Option Pages later in this Appendix.

Follow these steps to use the Installer Wizard:

1.       Open the Tridia Support site, and click Install iTivity in the menu bar.

The Login form displays.

2.       Log in using the credential created on the support site or supplied by Tridia.

The Configure iTivity page (Page 1 of the Wizard) is displayed.

3.       Fill in the options on Page 1.

This page stores the base iTivity configuration. All of the iTivity modules you build with the Wizard will rely on the settings you select on this page.



Private Host Name or IP Address of the iServer

DNS name or IP address used by the iManager and iAgents to connect to the iServer.

Public Host Name or IP Address of the iServer

Optional. DNS name or IP address used by the iManager and iAgents to connect to the iServer via the Internet. If you use a separate public host for public access, enter it here.

iTivity iAgent Access Port

Port the iServer will listen on for incoming iAgent connection requests. Default is 443.


4.       Click Save Configuration Settings. Then click Next to continue.

The Install iServer page (Page 2) is displayed.

5.       Select the Operating System for the iServer (Windows or Linux).

6.       Click the Install iServer button. This opens a separate page with instructions for downloading the one-click installer and then using it to install the iServer.

Click the Download iServer button.

After downloading the installer, click Close Window to return to Page 2 of the Wizard.

7.       Click Next to proceed with the Wizard.

The Install iManager page (Page 3 of the Wizard) is displayed.


8.       Click the Install iManager button. This opens a separate page with instructions for downloading the one-click installer and then installing the iManager.

Click the Download iManager button.

After downloading the installer, click Close Window to return to Page 3 of the Wizard.

9.       Click Next to proceed with the Wizard.

The Deploy iAgents page (Page 4 of the Wizard) is displayed.

10.   Use the dropdown list to select the type of iAgent and operating system you want to build a one-click installer for.

Note: You can optionally, click the Advanced Settings button. This button opens the Build New Installer page described in Step 3 under Building an Installer in the next section. You can use this page to set a number of custom options for installing the iAgent. You then build the installer outside of the Wizard. See Using the Advanced Options, below, for details.

11.   After making your selections, click the Install iAgent button. This opens a separate page with instructions for downloading the one-click installer and then installing the iAgent.


Click the Download iAgent button.

After downloading the installer, click Close Window to return to Page 4 of the Wizard.

12.   If you want to build installers for additional types of iAgents, repeat Steps 10 and 11.

13.   After building all of the iAgent installers you need, click Next to proceed with the Wizard.

Pages 5 and 6 of the Wizard provide step by step instructions and demonstrations for getting started after iTivity is installed:

·         Connecting to an iServer in iManager

·         Accessing an iAgent through iManager.

Using the Advanced Options Pages

The installers you build with the Wizard are stored as installer sets. An installer set is a grouping of custom installers sharing a core configuration.

You can access all of your installer sets through the My Cases page. You can also use the Advanced Options pages described in this section to create custom installers without using the Wizard.

Creating an Installer Set

Before you build installers (when not using the Wizard), you must create the installer set.

1.       Open the Tridia Support site, and click the My Cases option in the menu bar.

The Login form displays.

2.       Log in using the credential created on the support site or supplied by Tridia.

You’re My Cases page is displayed.

3.       Click the New Installer Set link next to the My Custom Installer Sets heading.

The iTivity Installer Configuration Set page displays.

4.       Fill in the form fields. The data will apply to all iTivity modules that will be installed from installers built within this set.



Installer Set Name

Descriptive Name used by the site to identify the set.

iServer Host or IP

Domain name or IP address for the iServer.

iAgent Connection Port

Registration port used by iAgents (installed from this installation set) to register with the iServer for remote access.

Default is 23800. In some cases, port 443 may be preferred.

For more information, see Section 1.2, Network Setup, in the iTivity Deployment Guide.

iManager Connection Port

Registration port used by iManagers (installed from this installation set) to register with the iServer for remote access.

Default is 25800.

Connection Group One, Two and Three

Optional Connection Group information for up to three groups. This information defines the Group Name(s), and the iServer Host(s) and Port(s) that iAgents built from this installer set will use to connect to one or more iServers.

For more information on connection groups, see Section 7.1.5, Edit Unattended iAgent iServer Connection Settings.


5.       Click the Submit button.

The installer set is created. A confirmation page displays.

6.       Click the My Profile link to return to the My Cases page. Your new installer set is now listed on that page.

Building an Installer

After you've created an installer set, you can build one or more custom installers within the set.

1.       Open the Tridia Support site, and click the My Cases option in the menu bar.

The Login form displays.

2.       Log in using the credential created on the support site or supplied by Tridia.

You’re My Cases page is displayed.


3.       Click the Build New Installer link for the installer set you want to use.

The Build New Installer page opens in a popup window.

4.       Choose options for the installer.



All Installers

iTivity Component

Select the module to install:

  • Windows Attended iAgent
  • Unattended iAgent (by Operating System)
  • Windows iManager
  • Windows iServer
  • Linux iManager
  • Linux iServer
  • Web Deployment Bundle


Method for a user to authenticate in order to view iAgents. Options are

  • AD/NTLM (Windows Active Directory or NTLM)
  • PAM (Unix/Linux)
  • /etc/passwd(Unix/Linux)
  • None required

For more information on authentication of iAgents, see Section 1.2.4.

Support Domain

Optional. If your organization uses support domains on the iServer, enter the domain for this iAgent. To enter more than one support domain, separate each entry with a comma.

For more information on support domains, see the iTivity Deployment Guide.

Public Certificate URL

Optional. The URL of the iServer public encryption key file used by iAgents.

For the highest security, iAgent systems should have a certificate installed that contains the public key from the iServer. This automates trust between the iAgent and the iServer while insuring the security of the data communications.

For instructions on deploying the certificate and setting the varRootCertURL value, see the iTivity Deployment Guide, Section 2.4.

Windows Only

Custom Icon URL

Optional. iTivity is released with standard desktop icons from Tridia Corporation. If you want to customize the interface with your own icons, use this field to enter the URL location of your custom ico file.

Registry Settings URL

Optional. For advanced installation on an Intranet, you can use this field to specify the URL of a custom Registry file to be imported as part of the installation.

Custom Install Path

Optional. You can use this field to specify a program directory for installing the module. Leave blank to use the default path:

C:\Program Files\iTivity\Unattended

Attended iAgent Only

Icon Shortcut Text

Optional. Custom name to be used for the shortcut icon that launches the Attended iAgent from the desktop. Default is:

iTivity Help

Status Dialog Title

Optional. Custom name for the Attended iAgent Connection Status dialog. Default is:

iServer Connection Status

Confirm Connections to Attended iAgent

When checked, the user of the Attended iAgent computer is prompted to accept or reject any attempted viewing session by an iTivity iManager user.

Default is checked.

Automatically launch Attended iAgent when installation completes?

When checked, the Attended iAgent launches when the installation is finished.

Default is unchecked.


Note: The Chronological Installer Set Log at the bottom of the page shows the settings for the installer (gray area) and installer set.

5.       Click the Build Custom Installer button.

A page displays confirming the installer has been built:

6.       Click the View Installer Set link.

The View Installer Set page is displayed:


7.       To download the installer you just built, click the Download URL link under Chronological Build.

A browser download dialog is displayed.

Alternately, you can click the link at the bottom of the page to download the entire Installer Set:

A page displays with download links for all of the installers contained in this set.

Updating an Installer

After you've built one or more installers in a set, you can view the installers and make changes. When you change an installer for any module, the old installer for that module is overwritten.

1.       On the My Cases page, click the View Current link for any Installer Set.

2.       The View Installer Settings page appears in a popup window. Click the link that says "Click Here to BUILD or UPDATE a custom installer for the set below."

The Build Installer page appears. Use this page to build a new installer or change the settings for your current installer for any of the modules.

See Step 4 under Building an Installer, above, for more information.

Installing an iTivity Module on Windows Using a Custom Installer

After you've built a custom installer, you can email it to end-users or make it available for them to download. An end user can then install the iTivity module using these simple steps.

1.       Download and open the installer file, or open it from an email. The Extract and Install dialog appears.

2.       Click the Extract and Install button.

The iTivity module files are extracted and installed. When the process is complete, this dialog displays:

Installing a Unix/Linux iTivity Module via a Custom Installer

Linux and UNIX custom installers are downloaded as a .tar file. Use the following steps to download and install. These instructions apply to the Linux iServer as well as UNIX/Linux iAgents.

1.       Download the installer .tar file from the FTP location listed on your Installer Set page.

Note: If you download the .tar file to a Windows computer, see Transferring Downloaded Installers from Windows to UNIX/Linux, below, for a recommended procedure.

2.       Copy the downloaded .tar file to /tmp on your UNIX/Linux system.

3.       Open a UNIX/Linux shell and su to root user.

4.       Change to the /tmp directory: cd/tmp.

5.       Run "tar xvf iagent-[platform].tar"

6.       Run "./install-itivity" to begin the installation.

7.       Type y at the prompt.

The installation proceeds and displays progress and status messages. When the installation completes, the iTivity iAgent will launch.

Transferring Downloaded installers from Windows to UNIX/Linux

To avoid errors, the following file transfer procedure is recommended if you download UNIX/Linux iTivity installers to a Windows computer and then need to transfer them. to your Linux or UNIX system.

A number of utilities can be used to transfer files from a Windows PC to a UNIX/Linux system. These instructions use the commonly available Windows "FTP" (File Transfer Protocol).

1.       Open a Windows Prompt.

Example: Click Start > Run and enter cmd.exe

2.       Change directory to the iTivity installer download directory on your local PC.

Example: cd C:\downloads

3.       Enter the ftp command and your UNIX/Linux server name or IP address.

Example: ftp

4.       Log in with your local UNIX/Linux system credentials.

5.       Type in bin to set the transfer mode to binary, then press Enter.

Note: This step is often missed. Transferring the installer file in ASCII mode can result in a corrupt file.

6.       To start the transfer, type "put <iTivity Installer Filename.tar>" and press Enter.

Example: put iserver-linux.tar

7.       When the transfer is complete, type "quit" to end the FTP connection to your UNIX/Linux system.

8.       Type "exit" to close the Windows Command Shell window.



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